Master Bedroom Inspiration: Navy

As I posted yesterday, we bought our first ever grown-up bed during the Memorial Day sales yesterday, and I am now in master bedroom decor dream world. I’m so excited to pull together a room for adults since I’ve been in Mario/Thomas stripe land for the past few weeks while painting and decorating my three year old’s room. It’s actually turning out really well, and I am close to finishing it, but I am definitely sick of it too- just being totally honest! :)

Late last night I started making a gazillion lists of to-dos, to-buys, and all of that goodness. I even gave Corey and I due dates as to when each project should be done. I have three big items on my agenda before the baby gets here- finish Tate’s room, do our room, and do little baby bee’s room. Ours by default has kind of fallen where it needs to be done first- our bed arrives June 22 and I think it would be nice to have the painting amd decor ready when it gets here. Hopefully we can buckle down and make that happen! Next we will probably finish Tate’s room if I haven’t wrapped it up already- it’s so close it seems silly to start a new project when that one is almost done. Then last will be the baby’s room, with my “due date” for it being completed being mid-September since she’s due at the end of the month. It really shouldn’t be impossible to get it all accomplished, it of course just takes time and energy.

But enough of all that… I wanted to make this post to share with y’all my latest obsession as I started dreaming amd searching for ideas for our bedroom- navy.

I’m usually a white/light/bright colors kind of gal and I typically stick to the cottage chic type of decor, but for some reason I can’t get all of the navy wonderfulness I’ve discovered out of my head. Here’s some of my Pinterest finds that have me falling in love with navy:




Unfortunately this pin didn’t have a source- if you know where it’s from please let me know!



There’s probably about a billion more navy rooms I’ve fallen for, but these are my favorite. I also absolutely love the idea of primarily using white with the navy, but then adding pops of color that I can change with the seasons or as the mood strikes! :) Right now I’m thinking a bright pink in the spring time, a bright green or red during summer, red or yellow in the fall, and silver or gold during winter. The pink has been easiest to find on Pinterest and through Internet searches. Here’s a few examples:


Source unknown- I found this particular image at


Again, source unknown.

So that gives you just a little glimpse of my color crush and just one of the possible accents. I could spend all day searching for images to share with you, but I should probably go accomplish something instead of just dreaming. Plus, I still have to see what the hubby thinks of a navy bedroom, so I probably should pull the reins back a bit before I fall too hard! :)